How To Diagnose Sleep Apnea With Sleep Studies

Sleep studies are normally performed in a sleep center or a sleep lab.  This may or may not be in a hospital.  If the study is conducted in the sleep center, you may have an overnight stay.  However, this is not always etched in stone.  

The good thing about sleep studies is you will not endure any pain.  The only thing that may affect you is skin irritation from the sensors.  When the sensors are removed from your skin, you will not experience any more irritation.

If your sleep study is during the day, bring a book or a magazine to keep you from getting bored.  Although the risks of sleep studies are minimal, these studies take time (at least several hours).

There are different tests for sleep studies.  One of them is called a polysomnogram (poly-SOM-no-gram) or PSG test.  This test is conducted in a sleep center or sleep lab.  More than likely with this test, it will require an overnight stay.  

You will have electrodes and monitors on your scalp, face, chest, limbs and fingers.  As you are sleeping, the following items will be monitored:

  • The movement of your eyes
  • The activity in your brain
  • The activity in your muscles
  • The rate of your heart
  • The rhythm of your heart
  • Blood pressure
  • Air movement in and out of your lungs
  • How much oxygen is in your blood
Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

As you sleep, the staff on duty will use sensors to check on your as you sleep during the night.  After the PSG is complete, the sleep specialist will go over the results with you.  They will be able to determine whether or not you have sleep apnea and if it is serious or not.  From the results, they will be able to chart a course of treatment.

A Multiple Sleep Latency Test or MSLT, is used to determine how sleepy you are in the daytime.  This test is usually performed after a PSG.  You will have devices placed on your scalp for monitoring purposes. 

With this test, you will have to take a nap at least five times at 20 minutes for each one.  This is supposed to be done every 2 hours during times that you would be alert.  The testers will check how long it will take you to go to sleep and how long you napped.  For those people who take less than five minutes to get to sleep are more likely candidates for a sleep disorder.  When the testing is completed, the sleep specialist will provide you with the results and consult you about treatment options.

Where To Find A Sleep Specialist

If you need assistance finding a sleep specialist, there are several organizations that can assist you with that, such as:

These organizations are made up of physicians, researchers and dentists that work with people affected with this sleep disorder.  They work to further the advancement of sleep medicine and sleep research.  The physicians and researches that serve on the related boards are noted as “Board Certified” in the specialty of sleep medicine.  The ABSM keeps an updated listing of sleep specialists.  They can be located by state or by their name.  The AADSM keeps and updated listing of dentists that specialize in treating sleep apnea patients by using oral devices.