Lifestyle Changes

If you sleep on your back, you are subject to develop sleep apnea.  The way you position yourself as you lie down on the bed, can make or break you.  It can determine how many times you experience Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  It also determines how mild or severe the sleep apnea can affect you. 

Lady Sleeping On Curved Pillow

Sometimes it has to do with gravity.  Gravity can cause your throat not to get enough air when you are lying on your back.  For those who sleep on their back can experience up to 80 apneas per hour.  They can get rid of this dilemma if they change and sleep on either their left or right side.  However, if you are overweight or obese, this may not help much.

You can make some lifestyle changes in order to deal with obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea:

  • If you are overweight or obese, losing weight can help. Weight loss can help your throat to be less restrictive.  Eat more healthy fruits and vegetables.  Be more physically active.  If you are not sure how to go about losing weight, consult with your physician.

  • Leave the sleeping pills and related medicines alone.  Also, don’t drink alcohol as a sedative to get you to sleep.

  • The passageway of your nasal area should not be blocked.  If you have trouble keeping them open, use a nasal spray or stick.  You can also use decongestants, but it’s not for long-term use.

  • If you are used to sleeping on your back, that can pose a problem.  Try sleeping on your side or your stomach.  If you sleep on your back, your tongue and soft palate of your throat will sit on the back.  This creates a blockage of the throat’s airway.  One unique idea is place something like a small back in the back of your nightgown or pajamas.

  • Elevate the head of your bed to improve your level of oxygen that you’re taking in.

  • If you smoke cigarettes, you will have to kick the habit as soon as possible.

Alternative medicine treatments, such as acupuncture have been used to treat sleep apnea, but there is more research to be done.  Because of this, do not use this method as a means to get rid of this condition.  Consult with your physician before considering any alternative treatment for sleep apnea.